Grief Support and Counseling Resources
Behavioral Health, Crisis, and Counseling Resources
What should you do if you see a student is struggling?
First, show the person about whom you’re concerned that you care. Talk to them and listen in a non-judgmental way. Most people express relief when they can talk openly about their feelings. Be sure to call for help. Share your concerns with someone who is trained to help.
On-Campus Contacts:
- School guidance counselors or psychologists – 425-831-8150
- Mount Si High School Tipline (if anonymity is preferred)
Off-Campus Contacts:
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services (SAMHSA) for local referrals TREATMENT LOCATOR
- Teen Resources - over 15 websites and phone lines to help with crisis, relationships, bullying, suicide, etc.
- Parent Resources - Behavioral Health Resources for bullying, mental health, and substance abuse concerns
Grief Support
When a loss occurs, people have different ways of reacting even if they did not have a close relationship with the person. Feelings such as shock, sadness, guilt, fear and anger are common. These reactions may rise and fall throughout the day, and for days to come. Also, when a person has experienced loss in the past, those emotions often resurface.
Please consider the following information from our counselors on ways you can help support your student at home following a loss:
- Be sensitive about whether your son/daughter needs to talk. Bring it up in case he/she is reluctant to do so.
- Resist the temptation to minimize the pain, deny the feelings or give advice. Simply listen.
- Helpful responses may include: "Tell me more about that," or “I wonder if there are other things that are worrying you?” or "What are other students saying about this?"
- Be emotionally available, not judgmental.
- Realize that this may be a very emotionally intense time for kids when they are moving in and out of sadness/anxiety/guilt/anger.
- Encourage them to support each other in whatever way they can and take care of their own well-being during this stressful time.
- Reassure them that it’s also OK to experience joyful memories, and not to feel guilty for feeling happiness.