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Attendance Matters

Regular attendance is necessary for mastery of the educational program provided to students of the district.  Washington State laws specify that parents are primarily responsible for ensuring their students' attendance at school.  The law further states that students shall be regular and punctual in attendance.  Please check the SVSD Website for more information on the district's attendance policies.

Contact Us

Attendance Line:  425-831-8200
Attendance Administrative Assistant
Bronwyn McDaniels 
(425) 831-0203

Absences Explained

Early Dismissals: UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES ARE STUDENTS TO LEAVE SCHOOL WITHOUT AN OFFICE-APPROVED EARLY DISMISSAL. Early dismissals must be approved in advance by calling the attendance line or by bringing a note from a parent or guardian. The Attendance Secretary will give the student a slip to dismiss him/her from class at the appointed time. This must be scheduled as soon as possible. If the student returns to school that day, he/she must sign back in on the master list in the Attendance Office.  Failure to comply with regulations could result in an unexcused absence.

Planned Absences:  Planned absences are excused absences.  A planned absence is more than 5 days. An excused absence request form must be filled out and returned to the Attendance Office prior to the absence.

Excused Absence Request Form
Long Term Absences:  A long-term absence may be requested when a student will be out of school for 5 or more days due to illness or other emergencies. Students should check their teachers’ websites and email teachers for assignments. Students must complete make-up work as required by teachers.

Suspensions:  Absences due to in-school suspension or out-of-school suspension are considered excused.

Senior Skip Day:  Senior Skip Day is NOT a school-sponsored event and is not condoned in any way by the school administration.  Students are expected to be in class and the absence will be unexcused if they are not present.

Additional Information