Scholarship Information
Before you apply for scholarships, you may want to open a free email address only for scholarships. Also, some sites may sell your data unless you ask them not to. Be sure to do your research and read the details carefully.
Helpful tip: Build time into your schedule for scholarship work. This might be once a week for an hour or every other week, whatever works for you. During that time, search for scholarships, apply for scholarships, edit essays, etc. This consistency pays off in the end! It is never too early, or late, to start your scholarship search process! Don't forget to continue this routine every year you are in a post high school educational program.
Searching for scholarships is a student-directed activity that requires planning, commitment, and persistence. The best place for students to search for scholarships is online. Our advice to students:
- Look for free search engines with personalized searches based on your qualifications. See below for examples.
- Avoid websites that charge fees or promise excessive unclaimed scholarships.
- Check college websites or talk to college admissions counselors for college-specific scholarships.
- Join the Career Center Schoology Group to view scholarships sent to MSHS. Scholarships are posted in the Scholarship section under the Resources tab.
- Apply for Local Scholarships through MSHS. Information about local scholarships will be provided during a Senior Meeting held at the end of February and then posted on this website.