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College Visits

Students should take advantage of connecting with college admissions through attending the visits here at Mount Si and by going to visit college campuses. Many colleges have visit days where students have the opportunity to earn scholarship money, as well.

Students and Parents

Representatives from college admission offices visit the MSHS Career Center during the school day to meet with prospective students.  During the visits, students will have the opportunity to meet the admission counselor who will provide information on their college and admissions process.  A list of upcoming college visits can be found at the Wildcat Career Center Schoology Group, at the Wildcat Career Center Instagram (@mshs.wcc), and at the Wildcat Career Center Parent Square group. 





ParentSquare Logo



To Join the Career Center Schoology Group:  

  1. Click Groups at the top of Schoology. 

  2. Select My Groups. 

  3. Click Join Group on the right. 
  4. Enter the Group Access Code H68C-ST4J-W2W7D. 
  5. Click Join.


College Admissions Counselors

Please use Rep Visits to schedule your visit to Mount Si High School or contact Julie Silverman.