Research Website LINKS
Shocker...not everything you read online is true.
Here are some tips for finding accurate information when doing an on-line search:
Limit your search, when possible, to the following:
- .edu restricted to an accredited educational institutions
- .gov restricted to the US government
- .mil restricted to the US military
Enter your search using this format - site:edu “search item” - Example: site:edu "blood diamonds"
When you need to broaden your search to .com, .org, etc., check for site creditability (check out our credibility of sources tab).
Instead of searching the entire World Wide Web, search for your topic within a credible website - Example: - "broken arm"
AVOID websites that end in - lo - Example: Newslo
AVOID websites that end in - (or any other designation following .com)
AMERICAN Library Association
Encyclopedia of Life Library of Congress
National Archives
US Copyright Office Catalog of US Government Publications Washington State Legislature US Gov. Official Website King County, National History DAY US
King County Library System
World Fact Book Central Intelligence Agency
US Environmental Protection Agency
British History Online EUROPEANA
united States Census Bureau
Bridgeman Images