KCLS Student Account
A KCLS student account is a special library account that utilizes a student's ID number and it's easy for students to remember. There is not a physical card associated with these accounts.The library barcode of each student account is formatted as follows (with no dash or spaces):
- USERNAME: 410 followed by the student’s ID number (including the leading 0) | Example: 4100123456
- PIN: last 4 digits of student's ID number | Example:3456
Students will have full access to KCLS eBooks and downloadable materials, databases and online homework help from home or school using any computer or device. Student accounts do not allow students to check out physical materials from KCLS libraries or access public computers or to print via KCLS computers.
Additional benefits include:
- Access to free on-line tutoring Access to free on-line language learning
- Access to on-line software and computer skills tutorials
- Access to Microsoft Imagine Academy
- Access to Test Center (Smarter Balance & SAT)
- Access to interactive practice for civil service, military & academic admissions exams.
For additional information, please visit the STUDENT ACCOUNT FAQS which can be found by clicking the link above.
Log-In Information
Do NOT log in by clicking the Log In Button in the upper right corner. Instead, click on the resource you would like to use and then log in when prompted.